Happy Wednesday everyone!

As a Bostonian, I felt it 100% appropriate to mention the tragic events that occurred at the 117th Boston Marathon on Monday 4/15/13. At around 2:50 PM, at the height of when most runners are crossing the finish line, two explosions occurred in succession on Boylston St killing 3 bystanders and injuring 170+ more. These explosions are said to be an act of terrorism – either foreign or domestic (as of now, this remains a mystery.) The explosives were said to have been made with pressure cookers with timers and filled with ball bearings and nails.

all picture rights to rawstory.com

all picture rights to rawstory.com

My heart and thoughts are with the people affected by the bombings. As a Bostonian and as a person that usually attends this iconic and inspiring marathon each year, this horrific tragedy hits close to home. Two years ago (2011) one of my best friends ran the marathon. Her family, friends and I were all there to support her. Had this tragic event happened two years ago, she may not be here to tell about her triumphant finish to one of the most well-known marathons in the world. This goes to show that life is unpredictable and we need to live each day like it is our last. It really drives home the point that it is essential to not take anyone/anything for granted and hold the ones we love a little closer.

One thing is for sure, the city of Boston will not take this lying down. Boston has always been and will always be a tight knit community. The terrorists or whoever is responsible can try to instill fear and chaos, but they will never prevail and Boston and the rest of America will always persevere. Boston is not a city to be messed with and you can bet we will find out who is responsible for these awful acts.

It was heartwarming to see the rest of the country come to our aid and support. From the front pages of newspapers and publications across the country, to the New York Yankees (our biggest rivals) playing Sweet Caroline at the end of the third inning. It is appreciated. United we will ALWAYS stand.

Stephen Colbert says it all here with a flair of humor: http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/blog/2013/04/17/watch-jon-stewart-and-stephen-colbert-respond-to-marathon-bombing/

A member of the UNH Hockey team has designed t-shirts that will be sold and 100% of the proceeds will go to charities aiding those who were affected in Monday’s tragedy. If you are interested, there are two different designs and you can purchase them here:

